Another Liberal (hope trumps fear so let it flow!)
I might desribe that piece of work as littered with overtones of liberalistic dogma. I get the impressions that people like him only see solutions through government. He only views global problems as superficial and this makes him naive enough to believe that the world would love us if America surrenders to them.
The American journey has been filled with triumph and tragedy. Triumph over the bonds of colonialism transformed into the tragedy of slavery, Manifest Destiny and the genocide of Native Americans followed by Civil War. Abolition began to right the wrongs of slavery, but America careened forward into the excesses of the Gilded Age and the arrogance of her Imperialist Presidency that extended her empire to the islands of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
Would you like to be put on trial for what your ancestors did? How about if the genealogical police came to arrest you for crimes your great great grandfather did? As you can see, it just doesn't work that way.
The Roosevelts expanded the American vision to encompass economic justice, environmental preservation and the duty to deliver peace beyond our borders. At the same time, American philosophers advocated the virtue of selfishness, the goodness of greed and the siren song of supply side trickle down economic miracles,
Who is the largest employer of the American people? Small business is. So why blame it all on big business? Is he saying there is a another economic system that has proven to be better?
Obama believes that healthcare is a human right that government must deliver to a free people to ensure that they do not experience fears for their own lives.
If socialzed medicine is a right then, how come Canadians cross the border to get their care? How come the Europeans fly out of their countries to get it also?
America's prestige has morphed into a global loathing of the stars and stripes. In 2008, America has become the most feared and hated nation on earth.
Need I say more about this liberal?
American Muslims must be freed from the burdens of ostracism, stereotyping and the prison of Guantanamo. But, the closure of Guantanamo will be only the first step.
Who is sterotyping Muslims based on the actions of terrorists? Guess what?....They're not going to close Guantanamo!!!
America's involvement in the Middle East has not delivered peace or security of the freedom from fear to the peoples of the Middle East.
How can a war deliver peace and security? That is not what wars do. Wars are supposed to create circumstances so whoever is leftover creates the environment for peace and security. Look at Russell Kirk's first conservative principle. The only way government guarantees security is under the type of a system Saddam Hussein enforced. Gosh these liberals are naive.
In the Information Age, hard power is indeed outmoded, outdated, obsolete and counterproductive. Soft power is now the only instrument available for forging ahead on the global seas of commerce, ecology and culture.
Is this guy attempting to equivocate the reason why the war was started in the first place?