Re: Minimum time for applying a specific frequency
>- Maybe, but HC brings another viewpoint, what if they can't fully recover and reproduce and have a shorter lifespan?
I never followed to that point, but it does bring some things to light. Once I saw them recovering to their original shape and then swimming, I zapped them again until they disintegrated.
1) If zapping was 100 percent effective, then there would not be a need to repeat it very often. Possibly, as is often true in nature, there is a slight variation in frequency between different members in s species so that the best frequency kills many but leaves a few survivors.
2) When observing microbes under the microscope, I noticed that it was the cell wall that was damaged. You can even see on my videos that sometimes there were small ruptures but these would heal but under continued zapping the entire cell wall would disintegrate.
It is obvious that more study needs to be done.