Sure the Rothchild mob is behind the scenes. It is the Federal Reserve that is printing the money. But it is the President that is in charge and allowing the banksters free reign. It is the politicians that make the policy. It is the politicians that support what the Fed is doing. It is the politicians that have allowed these guys to crawl into their pockets and into our political/economic system.
Schiff says: "If Bernanke were my student, I would have flunked him. He obviously learned nothing about the Great Depression. In contrast to what he thinks, and alot of other people think, the Great Depression was a direct result of intervention government policy. First by Hoover, then by Roosevelt and the New Deal."
It was FDR that brought in the New Deal, a Ponzi scheme, with the name 'Social Security' tagged to it. It was imported from England, designed to have money go directly to the Federal Reserve to pay off interest of loans to U.S.G. It is the politicians that are hired, elected, to act as gate keepers to prevent the greedy paws of private sector individuals out of the people's U.S. Treasury. He had sold us out then, just as others have done before this with regard to the Bank Act and the Federal Reserve Act. And, just as Bush, Paulson and the rest of Congress have done with this bail out scheme.
I am sure that if Schiff had started off lambasting the Rothchild's, he may have gotten only as far as interviews on Conspiracy radio talk shows.
Peter Schiff: "Where are the real Conservatives? There was one, you know, Ron Paul but they drummed him out of the Republican Party. He's talked about all this, he's warned about all this but everybody has ignored him and others like him.
I get marginalized in the main stream financial world, just like Ron Paul has been marginalized in the political world."