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Re: YEE-hah!!!
wombat Views: 6,587
Published: 16 y
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Re: YEE-hah!!!

Yay! I'm so happy to hear your good news:) And welcome...

Your mom's story is all too familiar although details change from story to story, I also lost my mom to bad "medicine". I did not know what to do at the time, and truthfully I doubt that she would have listened to me, the "listen to your doctor" paternalistic BS was too firmly entrenched in her, as it was for a great many of her generation. It's STILL entrenched in people. Most people don't want to take responsibility for their own lives and their health.

Yes, the internet is a great tool. Curezone is an outstanding resource, a lot of really fine minds congregate here. Please do join us and keep the enthusiasm up, help us spread the word.

BTW, the excess mucus production will resolve. The same thing happened to me early on in supping. If we were to listen to Dr. Jarvis, an early proponent of Iodine usage, we would take that as a sign that we were sufficient. You and I(and many others) know that it is NOT. KI(the potassium Iodide portion of the lugol's, or iodoral), is a great expectorant, so I suspect that there's something going on there.

BTW, this: "I am looking forward to going to see my doctor for my next breast exam and seeing the look on his face when there are no more lumps :)"

Please don't get a mammogram. Do some searching, within this forum, on that.

Hopefully, your doctor will be curious, and use this as an opportunity to learn. It's embraced by a few MDs, so it's not considered "out there".

If your doctor is NOT curious, fire him(or her). You've found a new, better one now anyway. YOU.


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