Angry about not being told
Hi I am a recent
Iodine user, after reading a lot of the posts here I have decided to start
Iodine supplementation. I am taking up to eight drops of
Lugols per day with selenium and vitamin C as well. I have lived with FBD for years and it is now starting to dissappear, the lumps are no longer painful and are getting smaller. I have had a lot of detox going on as well, and have got a really snotty nose at the moment but thats ok because lots of gunk is coming out ( is the normal ?) What makes me so mad is that my mother died of
Breast Cancer some years ago after suffering first with fibroids. No body told her that
Iodine could help her, she went through so much pain for years and years, doctors kept telling her to take HRT and eventually telling her to have a hystorectomy because of uterine fibroids. All of this could have been avoided if only she had know about iodine. This happened before the internet was in full swing so she had no information except what the doctors told her. It makes me very angry that they mutilated her body when she was probably just iodine deficient. No-one else in my family has had
Breast Cancer so I don't believe it was genetic. I want to say thank you to all the people here who give support and information to others, you have been a wonderful inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others who read this forum. Please keep the info coming it does help and is doing a lot of good in the world.
If this information can get widely known it will hopefully put an end to all the pain and suffering people like my mother and myself have gone through for years.
I am looking forward to going to see my doctor for my next breast exam and seeing the look on his face when there are no more lumps :)
I will keep you posted on whats happening in my iodine journey as I know how much your postings have helped me,
regards, Spud