Re: children with parasites please help humaworm!
When my daughter was a baby she had real bad Colic. I was told to try Onion water from a friend.
She told me to steep 1/2 yellow onion in a small pan of good water for about 10 mins and then let it cool. Give your baby about a Tablespoon full of the Onion water at night time or whenever they get the Colic. They will burp up gas and then their little tummy will be softer and it seems to help really good.
I also had to run my vaccum and lay it against her crip to help her sleep. I liked the Onion Water the best.
The seed looking things are tapeworm tails. The tail breaks off when they start to die. You have to get the head out or the tapeworm will regrow a new tail. Some people see things that look like rice, cashew nuts, corn, etc. They are all tapeworm tails.
I felt the thumping that you are feeling. My girlfriend just called me and said she felt it, my next door neighbor felt it and knew she was not pg and said what the heck? It does feel like a baby kicking in the womb. I think you made the critter mad because he is dying!!!! Pineapple has bromelain in it and it peels off the skin of tapeworms. I once juiced a whole pineapple and drank all the juice and then did an enema and out came this ugly tapeworm! I wanted to scream because he was stuck in the drain of the bathtub. It was when I just started cleansing about two years ago. It was gross but our motto is Better out than IN!!!!
Hope this helps. Donna