Short history: I recieved Kevin Trudeau (sp) book about six months ago, via mother-in-law. I have been making changes ever since, with some really great results. ex: no fast food, very little refined sugar, Rarely anything in a package, everything from scratch. Plus I came to the conclusion that myself and children were sensitive to milk and wheat. (long story) But its out of our diet.
ok i have three children. 18mths,3,12 years old. I am 30 years old. I live on a firemans salary w/ 3 kids. To say the least we are broke! So I couldnt afford humaworm yet, plus the baby is 18 mths and cant take it yet. So i started with some cheaper things like raw pineapple, ground pumpkin seeds, (grandpa just gave me a butter sized bowl of butter nut squash seeds) So what the heck i ground them up too in my coffee grinder.( I figured lots of vit A, thats gotta help some.) With Epsom Salt baths.
Started giving them, and myself all the things listed above (not husband he thinks I am a quack now, seriously! He says KT's book ruined our lives, so I just ignore him!) By the 2nd day my 18mth and 3 year old were pooing LOTS of threadworms, some sort of little red things (Absolutely nothing red in diet) And these little egg looking things. I searched everything i could for photos of parasites and worms to try to identify each. The best i can come up with for the egg looking things is thats they resemble cucumber seeds, except slightly smaller. I read that that could be Tapeworm eggs (is this correct) Plus some other unidentified objects about 1/2 inch long kind-of fluke looking. ( who knows) Same things found in my poo and 12 year olds poo, but i cant examine it as well as the diaper aged children. But I am going to but a new collander so that i can. Everyone seems to have some die-off symptoms, but mine are the worst.
Symptoms leading me to believe parasites:
-depression (12 yr old)
hyperactive extremely ( lil ones)
crawling sensation,under skin and in hear head, no lice or ticks tho ( 12 year old)
itchy anus, red and irritated
itchy belly button
eat like grown men& 3 horses (all3 kids)
have trouble sleeping wake up all night every night
severe blackish blue circles under eyes (12yrold, 3yr old)
31/2 yr old weighs 25 pounds wont gain weight
18 mth old weighs around 17 18 pounds
bruising eveywhere
anyway i could go on and on
Myself for years have experienced these moving and poking feelings coming from my abdomen. It feels alot like being pregnant and a baby kicking you. ( has anyone had that feeling?) does that mean they are big? All night last night I felt things moving, alot!! This is not paranoia (sp) I am serious I couldnt go to sleep until 4:00 am, i go to bed @ 9 to 10. So at 4 am i got online and ordered huma-worm. Remember I am extremely broke. So this is probably the most horrible thing in the world but i had to pull the cash out of my kids savings, with the promise that i would pay her back, she forgave me tho.
so any recommendations on what i can give the 18 mth old she seems to have the worst colic of all the kids. I know im rambling but i need help. Mylicon drops (simethicone) seem to help. So i googled simethicone and parasites together. Short story: The results were that they kill parasites. (search it) Just a note we dont even take tylenol here, so i hate giving them things from a grocery shelf that are man made.
Note: simethicone is also bean-o, gas-x (so ive been taking this too)
sooo- now i have to convince my husband to take the humaworm too, or it will not be as effective for us (right) what to do, what to do? Any help would by greatly appreciated!