Re: I haven't slept in almost 4 weeks now! literally. Please help.
May I ask you something ? Did something happen to you anywhere in your life that would not considered 'normal' ? Sleep is where we process our emotions. If you've
got something blocked, not dealt with it, will come out at night. Something recently
may have triggered something to the past. Being honest with ourselves and
bringing things to the light is the 1st step to healing. It is perfectly natural though to not want to.. I may off on a completely wrong angle and you would
be best to know but I could't help but post this anyway. In short, if you've
got a trauma unresolved/trapped in your body professional EMDR therapy would help you. It is a proven therapy and I have experience of it's effectiveness. In
just a 3-4 sessions my insomnia/panic was cured. I spent lots of money on naturopaths, etc, supplements (which are good because they keep the body strong but it was not a cure) and lots of time with other therapies previous
to EMDR and nothing helped, and I continued to suffer. My point in posting is to
share my experience to help someone else from needless suffering because it doesn't
have to be.
By the way, I also have a BT7 Biotuner (Bob Beck) which helps balance both
hemispheres of the brain. It is the most reliable home relaxation device used
for anxiety, depression, addictions, focus, and insomnia. It really works, is very
affordable and has been very complementary to my EMDR sessions.
I really hope you get better soon ( : P-E-A-C-E