I haven't slept in almost 4 weeks now! literally. Please help.
I can't take it anymore. My head throbs, and today I'm feeling really weak and cold. I have literally gone almost a month now without sleeping. HOW AM I STILL FUNCTIONING? I don't know, but thankfully I am. My school semester just got out a couple days ago. I've had a lot of stress lately, though I thought I was handling it well because I didnt feel very stressed out until the last week of school. I used to always be very stressed when I was younger. I had a lot problems, insomnia (most my life-even when I was 12), ADHD, anxiety/depression/stress through the roof....
I began researching feverishly about health when I was 20, now 25, and I eat very healthy now and eat/drink concoctions that most people wouldn't go near! My health has dramatically improved since then.
But there still seems to be underlying factors that are keeping me from fully recovering- from all of my problems. I think now that adrenal fatigue was surely one of my problems, or a result, from childhood- and has never been fully restored since changing my lifestyle. Is low serotonin a result of adrenal fatigue?? -which also means i have low melatonin.
Im very sensitive to EMF's, so I began taking
Lugol's Iodine about 10 months ago.-not every day, but I've gone through 2 1/2 ounces. I get that this is important for the adrenals as well. I have GNC selenium (as Selenomax Selenium yeast)- probably not a great source- had it for probly 3 years now. :/
I've taken so many things to help me try to sleep and none of them have worked.
I lay in bed every night exhausted, tired beyond explaining, head throbbing from not sleeping, and with eyes that almost glued shut from different pills I've taken. (melatonin, 5HTP, very "hoppy" beer (even to point my head was spinning when I closed my eyes and it still didnt shut off my conscience), sleep aid acetaminophen -Diphenhydramin HCL (I know, bad for my liver but i was desperate), and two different sleeping prescriptions that mother has; and herbal Bedtime tea. -- All this, and my damn conscience will NOT SHUT OFF!!
I think one of my problems is that I never learned how to fall asleep. I think that sleep is something we train ourselves to do, and because I always suffered insomnia, I never learned how to fall asleep. I tried different techniques over the weeks-- using my mind to relax my entire body, working out before bed to tire me, sleeping with an oscillating heater in front of me- which I think actually helped a bit last night. oh, I was also taking 3mg melatonin for many months (about 2-5 times/wk) and ran just as I began not sleeping- but also just as the semester was ending. I'm sure I already had weak adrenals, n this just sank my ship.
anyway Im sorry this is long. I really need to start sleeping or I'm gona break.
also, I havnt had health insurance since I was 21- after my hernia surgery. (I was covered under my dad, but knew by this time that allopathic doctors were not the answer to my problems- and I haven't needed a doctor since (knock on wood).
Can anyone please tell me how I can start fixing this..
Thanks so much