Hey gorgeous. Congrats on the removal. But I gotta' admit I have a hard time believing an infection (infections) could remain under an amalgam undetected for over two decades. Are you sure he wasn't referring to simple decay? Don't you think you would have felt pain -- or something?
Why concerned about CS?
Tell me something. Your labored breathing issue - aside from the experience after the removal, do you notice it lessen or worsen dependent on certain activities, foods, beverages, etc.? Does it ever cause anxiety or fatigue only? Does it coincide with any other issue/flare up or is it continuously the same level of difficulty? Does anything help alleviate it?
You put your party dress on and went out the other night after some extended social hibernation. How was it then? And did you enjoy the eve'?
Also - how's that thing on your bootie? Still there?