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Re: There were infections under the amalgams!
Miss Helfinger Views: 1,835
Published: 17 y
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Re: There were infections under the amalgams!

Thanks, QT. I'm super weary of CS, but I'll do it if it'll help and spit it out. I wanted to oil pull today but I was reluctant. I'm experienced with resins and glues and my instincts told me maybe it'd be best to let it sit and cure for a day before I oil pulled. I did swish with charcoal but I was nervous about pulling anything loose.

Geez - how many people are walking around with infections under their amalgams? Granted, it was a country dentist, great guy - but I can't imagine he did a poor job. I think these are, easily, from like 1984. That's a long time to have funk under a piece of metal in your mouth.

EDIT: I don't know anything about oxycoton, 'cept I've known a few brilliant people that were seriously addicted to it. It's made from poppies? That makes sooooo much sense!


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