Re: What if this is really bad?
I am sorry to hear about your ills and fears.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is not dangerous. If you get a handle of what is going on with you , make a plan and stick to it, it may work. As with any detoxing, you will get ill before you get better, this takes time. Have you went on the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement site of Jim Humble? You can even email him. You sound as if you need a liver and gallbladder cleanse... several of them. If you are scarred but want to do these things have some one with you and do them. There are very good natural ways to heal and products . Prescriptions ruin your kidney liver and other parts of body. They are toxic. There is a great water called life line water. There is also a great oxygen product to put in water. It is excellent. Here are some excellent sites for you to try. I was also very ill, scared to death, but after the initial detox of the body (which tends to make you feel ill) you start feeling better.
(has oxygenated excellent product)
Andreas Moritz books and he recommends things to get on his site, I have never been let down. I have tried all that I just recommended. I am still using all of them, I do
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Very good, I got soooooo sick the first couple times. They say the sickness will last to only up to 12 hours , they are spot on. After that I started getting my energy back. Things not to eat....flour , sugar, modified food hydrogenated oils. When cooking use virgin olive oil (unrefined,organic) no dairy. Your intestines need to be cleaned out and that is where your immune system most of it is anyways. Once you clean that out you will start to feel better and can start on these regimens. Get a
colonic or two and then do a liver gallbladder cleanse that is in the book of
Andreas Moritz on
try these and if it is scary have a friend participate with you. Keep a tab of paper so you can document how you feel.