Re: Mind Boggling Indeed!
LOL you shouldn't even bother going into great depths of your education and background. They just belittle it and call you self righteous and arrogant for questioning their WF Leaders and voicing your educated response. Its even funny that they belittle the Alternative Medication and this is cure zone ( My fave is when they put it in quotations lol).. because what its not WF? Sorry people but WF isn't the end all be all. I have yet to see anyone on here who has a real success story.. except maybe what Steve? And well that was weightloss again no rocket
Science in not eating and losing weight.
But you're take on treating your clients is exactly how I treat mine, so its nice to know, and I do believe that recovering in most cases does come from within the client, especially in holistic measures. Intention goes a long way.
"The symptoms that people are manifesting and thought of as 'mental illness' are the result of physiologic, metabolic, hormonal and brain dysfunctions... related to stress... that are rooted in energetic imbalances and often spiritual crises"
This pretty much summarizes the belief in Chinese Medicine, especially the energetic or chi imbalances/deficiencies/stagnation etc, as far as illness and disease related issues. I find it interesting and inspiring that you view things in a similar way, being a psychologist with a holistic background.
Perhaps they should try working in an Integrative Oncology unit and having deaths on their hands and then see why I would never ever play doctor online nor should anyone in general. When people come to my private practice they don't even tell me half of whats going on.. until layer by layer.. and sometimes I have to pry a bit.
People don't even tell regular MD's what supplements and herbs they are on usually.. and then they have all these issues coming about.
It boggles my mind when you see people asking one of the mods about medications. NO real background, no nothing, just googling and books.
But I digress, it's a scarey thought.
And regarding Loosie well you know,she's broken the
Forum Rules , have abused people etc numerous times, its kinda her forte. Said Mod(s) use and abuse their power when they feel the need to. I don't even read her posts anymore, its the same nonsense, as entertaining as it was, it got old eventually. Let her say what she wants how she wants, but when I do loorddddy.. I get talked down to like I'm a 5 yr old. Whatever.