Re: Response
Don't blame your crap on me.
I have posted since day one a lot of people have some "serious issues" vaguely, but I am not diagnosing nor have bombarded them once when they have said numerous times no leave me alone. I let them do their thing, and will not say 'you can do it'. This is a public forum.
Basically me saying hey.. fasting and then yo/ yoing binging and fasting is a serious issue, and that people shouldn't be supporting that. Because fasting will not at the end of the day cure an eating disorder. And everyone, was arguing with me someone who has struggled and recovered from an ED and have worked with ED patients.
and if I don't like someone's post I don't read it. I don't bully them out of a forum.
You took it upon yourself to start playing police.. and having FAQ's and questioning everyone who posts now. So when someone questions you, be ready to answer.
Unless you want to abuse your power like the other mod and say "its arguing with the moderator" thus breaking
Forum Rules .