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Re: Response
Willowley Views: 7,334
Published: 17 y
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Re: Response


I don't know why people are accusing anybody of diagnosing anything. Nobody here has done that. This thread was started by a poster asking questions who gave no information about themselves. The poster was asked for more information so people here would know what kind of advice to give. The original poster never answered the questions and this thread turned out to be quite amusing and lifted the spirits of many of us, until of course people started coming here and accusing Mouseclick of diagnosing. I wish you would show me where in this thread he has diagnosed anybody!

No body here diagnosed Lauray with an ED either, she did that herself in her posts. You've said you read them so you know that.

Support Forum Rules :

"if it is dangerously stupid that could cause a newbie to seriously be injured or killed, it's a damned good candidate for deletion. (These would include things like "brushing my teeth with Clorox really makes them white!") In the meantime, we'd post a counter with medical reasons why it is not good IMMEDIATELY!"

Steve acted according to the Support Forum Rules in regards to Laurays posts. Well, to be accurate he didn't, instead of deleting them he moved them to another forum out of consideration for Lauray. Maybe he should have just deleted them according to the Support Forum Rules , but I'm sure you would have objected to that also. I find it amusing that you would come here to attack him for doing what is posted in the rules.

A moderator is supposed to use his or her own judgement on things, and in the case of Lauray several here thought what she was doing was dangerous, and told the moderator what we thought. In this case he acted on what the majority of the forum thought. He did what the majority thought was best for the forum.

"Mouseclick... should we transfer your posts to the AA Forum because you indicated that you had had 'a drink or 3' when you posted your comment?"

Are you in all good conscious telling me that you think Mouseclick's having "a drink or 3" said jokingly compares to the erratic behavior that Laurays posts displayed? Come on get real.



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