Re: As does Colloidal Silver...Re: Antibiotics - Pervasive, Persistent Changes To Microbiota In Human Gut
To the reply that says "so does CS" -
You seem to be missing the point that the natural medicines have the ability to "choose" between killing the beneficial and the pathogenic bacteria, etc.
This has come about due to evolution, by living and evolving with naturals. Pharmaceuticals kill the beneficial bugs along with the bad ones!!
Please note that I have also been without a cold or flu, but for almost TWENTY years now, nothing more than a slightly runny nose in all that time!!
When I was in my 20s, I had many colds and flus. I had been prescribed many
Antibiotics in my teens. Eventually, I got sick of being sick and tried Vitamin C in high doses, and it started working for me, I got over the colds faster and faster, and then just never had any more.
I make my own
Colloidal Silver , and it doesn't seem to have done me any harm [I still don't get any colds]. I have not used it for awhile lately; I had only started it [about 6 years ago] when I had a lot of bad teeth [due to getting too many fillings as a child], and in vain hopes of it helping me with my IBS [which, I think, was also a result of all those
Antibiotics as a teen].