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Re: Cilantro?
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Re: Cilantro?

I used to run a tube furnace, making inorganic compounds for evaluation of their solid-state properties; mercurials often being employed, using no ventilation. Also, once, a careless worker let loose a flask containing about 10 pounds of Hg, which dispersed throughout that lab, where I worked for years. On top of that, I had about 8 Amalgams in my mouth, had plenty of vaccinations and was really into tuna and swordfish.

I had the classical signs and symptoms, including tremor, memory loss, emotional swings, etc. and could not focus my eyes on a single spot without repeatedly attempting to focus. I couldn't hit a squirrel at 50 yards using a .22 with open sights - couldn't focus on it. I needed to begin wearing reading glasses.

I used chlorella and cilantro. Once one is aware of their mechanism of action, one can then act accordingly. I fixed myself, using only 100% natural molecules. Tremor is gone, I don't need glasses any longer, no mood swings, and my memory is better than ever. I beat my kids at Husker-du every time. I shoot 100 yards, open sights and make 10-inch groups.

I considered the protocol I heard described in reference to Andy Cutler, but decided against using it for the following reasons:

1) "ALA" is comprised of an artificial substance, namely, the S-isomer of thioctic acid. In nature, only the R-form occurs. So, I pondered what benefit there could be to regularly adding substantially-continuous quantities of an artificial substance into my body, when my purported goal is to detoxify myself. Given that it is often the case that one stereoisomer of an enantiomeric pair is highly active, whilst its mirror image is of less activity or in some cases even poisonous (penicillamine), I decided I did not want to put anything in my body that was non-naturally occurring, as my premise is that the body is capable of cleaning itself up, if provided with what it needs to do so, and this does not include any molecules made by man.

2) I recalled that lipoic acid, when first isolated, required the livers of something like 500 pounds of liver, just to produce milligram quantities. This suggested that lipoic acid is normally present in only minute amounts, and something told me that it might not be a good idea to continuously ingest thousands or tens of thousands of times the amount of a substance (containing 50% wt. of its corresponding artificial enantiomer) that is naturally present. Lipoic's purpose is primarily for conjugation of organics in the liver, not heavy metals. Glu-peroxidase is the body's main material for getting rid of mercury, not Lipoic acid !

3) I noticed that when I tried the naturally-occurring R-isomer material, that my piss smelled reminiscent of asparagusic acid shortly after ingesting it. This suggested that my body did not want to hang on to the R-lipoic either. That's in line with a theory of using it to flush out whatever metals the two sulphur atoms might bind to during its short stay. But part of me was concerned for other trace minerals that my body's catalysts needed, including without limitation, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, etc. I posited that my body is not designed to ingest continuously large quantities of something that can grab metals from their catalytic sites, but it is designed to function with those metals in their necessary locations - and all of that is part of (actually, required for) the body's natural detoxification process. Disrupting Cu, Zn, etc. cannot be remedied as quickly as they are stripped, by merely popping a copper or zinc pill.

So I wouldn't say that chlorella and cilantro cannot be used without irreversible damage, but rather that they must be used with caution and only at the proper time within the context of a program dedicated to using the body's own mechanisms to rid itself of excesses of mercury and other metals.

You might want to reconsider "ALA", and use only the naturally-occurring isomer. Unless of course you have information concerning the metabolism and effects of the non-naturally occuring S-isomer, which is only produced in nature in reaction vats operated by men. If you're aware of any studies on the metabolism, fate, effects of the S-isomer, I'd appreciate learning of them as I enjoy entertaining thoughts of others.

Meanwhile, I can report that I am so much relieved, the best aspects being the recovery of my eyesight and memory. I was correct, of course, that God designed our bodies to repair themselves, and that the best detoxification mechanisms are within all of us already, all we need to do is exercise them.

I think that by introducing artificial chelators in super-high amounts, that we disrupt our metals profile of other trace elements, which themselves are needed to be in their normal places, in order for detoxificaiton of the undesirables to occur at optimal rates.

Thanks for entertaining my thoughts, and if you have anything ohn the S-isomer of lipoic acid, I'd love a reference to it. But in any event, I don't think I'll ever be swayed into believing that putting yet another artificial substance into the body (the S-isomer of lipoic acid) in quantity over time, is a good idea.

One must use skill, and not impatience, in driving nails into wood and in detoxifying the body. Those who rush into things, usually make poor decisions. Good things take time, as the old saying goes.

Have a great day.



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