I got my Hair Elements results back the other day. According to the test, my Hg level is < .03. So I used The Counting Rules and my Mineral Transport appears Normal. I know I'm full of Hg because I had a mouth full of
Amalgam fillings for over three decades and I'm currently fighting Systemic Candida.
Anyway, I decided to try some Cilantro Pesto just to see if I could feel anything since my Hair Elements results doesn't seem to be helping much. So I ate one teaspoon of fresh Cilantro Pesto about 1.5 hours ago. I can absolutely feel something going on in my head. BTW, I took 12 grams of Chlorella 30 minutes prior to eating the Pesto. Anyway, my head feel a little numb and I'm feeling kind of strange.
So I guess this is a clear sign I've got a Mercury problem to deal with. I want to make this my number one priority because I think the Hg is at the root of my Candida problem. I've got Cutler's book. I was all ready to start the Cutler Protocol of DMSA & ALA. However, some negative comments by a member of Curezone regarding DMSA and ALA caused me to back off.
So I really don't know what to do at this point. Should I avoid the Cilantro and Chlorella or do you think I'll be OK taking it? I've been drinking a glass of Chlorella (12 grams) for the past couple weeks and I've felts kind of strange. I was thinking the Chlorella might be causing this. Any advice and/or suggesting would be much appreciated.