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Re: Parasite Cleanse?!? Are you nuts?!?
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Re: Parasite Cleanse?!? Are you nuts?!?

It is believed that most people have parasites, but they usually are mostly undetectable unless disturbed by anti-parasitic remedies or perhaps something in the diet that is anti parasitic. But once scared or fighting for their life they start moving around and migrating and that’s when you feel them. It is best to make sure you clean out the colon very well before starting a cleanse so anything in the colon area won't migrate elsewhere. -Perhaps a colonics and enemas. Riding yourself completely is said to be a long process since they infect the body in layers. So many believe it can take years because when they die their eggs hatch and the cycle starts over again. So you have to keep cleansing periodical and change your diet and entire lifestyle so you create an internal & external environment that they dislike. Its suggested to rotate various types of remedies that don't duplicate the same ingredients to avoid toxicity, so don't exceed the recommended period for each herb or remedy and always research potential side effects of what you are taking. There is tons of information on this forum from different points of view. Many read the book by Hilda Clark called The Cure For All Diseases .

Yes, I'm going through this too with the movement in the ears and even experienced bleeding in the ear after I started using a zapper and anti-parasitic treatments this past august. I now believe the blood in my ear may have been from dying parasites based on what I've heard others say and the fact that the blood did not look like my own blood normally looks. But I still have them and it appears they've been trying to get out through the ears. I felt just as disturbed as you do, however this forum has been a godsend. But it is something you never want but it’s better to learn that you have them now and try to fight it then to just end up with dementia other problems later on and not realizing why.

It is believed that doctors or the medical industry at least are well aware of these parasites and I have read various articles that attest to that. However their primary concern is profit and if everyone became aware that they were carrying parasites and got rid of them it’s believed that would also end a lot of the profits they are making by treating what some believe may be the symptoms of parasites. As things like memory loss, cancer & depression, etc which might really be the symptoms of an underlying parasite infection. Good luck.


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