Parasite Cleanse?!? Are you nuts?!?
Wow... this is insanity. I have been really into health and eliminating toxins and waste from your body. For the first time since discovering curezone I sat and read this forum. I have never been so scared of anything in my life!
I have to say though I did relate to some of the symptoms. No energy, constant itching and feeling like you are being bit. The most alarming was the feeling of something moving in my ear! I was trying to go to sleep one night and my left ear kept itching inside. Then I swear all night I could hear it move no matter what I did. I woke my husband up crying that a bug was trapped in there and he sleepily said I was ok and to go back to sleep. I stuck Q-tips in there and nothing worked. Somehow I fell asleep and that was the only time I have experienced it. But after reading all these posts my god! I thought I itched before! Now I can not stop itching!
What is worse is to read that all these doctors do not believe you, especially if you test negative! Is it some kind of consipiricy? I really wanted to do a
parasite cleanse at the beginning of the year after my
Water Fast but I am scared to death! Does everyone have these problems of things coming out of their nose and ears? And the leisions??? I think I might have a heart attack!!
Can someone please give me advice or comfort for doing this? I really want to do one but can't fathom going through what some of the people have experienced!