Goodbye Mr.Nasty!
Hi everyone,
I don't post often on this forum, but check in frequently. After my 2nd round of Humaworm I started the in-between-herbs from R.G. I have maybe a/b 2 weeks left of those to go. But for the past several weeks I've been feeling movement in my intestines from my liver/spleen all the way down. Some intense wiggling. Reminded me of when I first felt pregnancy kicks several years ago..........freaky!! Also been experiencing sporadic diahrea especially after lunch. I'm taking a garden variety of herbs and vitamins/minerals so I'm not sure what combination prompted "Mr.Nasty" to finally exit himself today into my toilette! But I'm soooooooooo relieved, but a bit nervous too. I know these buggers lay tons of eggs so I'm sticking to the regimen. I'm pretty sure it was a tapeworm. I'm not sure which kind, but it was all fat and bloated looking. Very long, like at least 18 inches. I'm sad to say I did not see the scolex, but it may have been in there as there were also several other pieces of the same looking vermin. I kept it in there to show my husband when he got home from work and he gagged and said, yep, that's a tapeworm no "official" diagnosis, but me and my husband think it's a tapeworm.
So the only other things I've done differently this week that I added to my in-between herbs was to eat several handfuls of David's Pumpkin seeds. (the really salty ones) parasites hate salt and pumpkin seeds! Took some Coconut oil 2 nights in a row (really felt him moving then!) Been taking MSM varied dosages. BUT the biggest change was last night. I made a hot drink out of 2 tsp cinnamon and a Lg spoon of organic raw honey and water and sipped it and took a Lg capsule of Turmeric. My stomach felt all bloated and I went to bed a bit uncomfortable. Took my Ornithine to sleep. Woke up feeling a bit dizzy, but not full blown. Felt drugged all day until I had diahrea (nothing special in that one) then a/b 2 hrs later I felt like I had to have diahrea again and out came "Mr.Nasty" all 18 inches of him. And finally my insides feel QUIET!!!! But I do feel like some weird 'cold' spots under my liver. I'm wondering if that's where he was attached? So I took some Colonix fiber tonight and another capsule of Turmeric and am going to fix myself another cinnamon/honey drink b4 bed and hopefully that'll keep the eggs he might've layed at bay.
If this helps anyone have any success in killing their "big one" I am glad. That is why I share all these gory details!!
Here's to killing those nasties and not letting them kill us!! :)