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Re: This is the 21st century
dreamr Views: 3,777
Published: 17 y
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Re: This is the 21st century

You don't have to be a medical professional to have concern for someone who seems to be harming their body. I have encouraged Lauray in the past, but upon seeing her posts about bingeing to the point of pain, I expressed my concern to her privately that she needed to get in control of the bingeing before attempting a fast.

I have struggled with bingeing/overeating off and on in the past, and had hoped a fast would remedy it. I never fasted long enough to find out if it would help (6 days was the longest), but I had a healthy fear of bingeing after the fast and was in enough control not to overdo it. I don't consider myself to have an eating disorder, although I've wondered before if I had one. I don't have any traumatic memories or low self-esteem, I just love to eat. If I had thought I wouldn't be able to control myself after the fast, I NEVER would have attempted one.

I agree with the posters concerned for Lauray's health. It doesn't take a scientist or doctor to know that bingeing, especially with the wrong foods, after a fast can do serious harm to the body. She has come here for support, and that's what people here are trying to give her. If it were your own family member, would you not worry about them and hesitate to cheer them on if you believe they could be hurting themselves?


I hope you don't think I'm attacking you, and I do wish you the best with your struggle. If you are able to overcome through fasting, then that would be great. I think we are all just worried about your health. The food will always be there, and control will always be needed, no matter how long you fast.



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