Do you REALLY want to know????
And are you prepared to do what you might need to do to find out??
This is not for the faint-hearted or for those who do not like "details".
Having been on a fast for 29 days and having done 3
Liver Flushes I was/am completely obsessed with my BM's. If you are not into BM's stop reading now.
If you prefer to trust and flush - then stop here.
So when I finally got around to starting my
parasite cleanse a week ago I was not about to decrease my level of interest or activity in this department. If anything was happening, I wanted to know about it.
So - standard BM examination protocal was put into place.
Everything went into the collanda and everything was rinsed and broken down by having water poured over it until I could see all.
I had a sludgy BM yesterday - which once rinsed, revealed a pile of worms that looked like fettucine.
I had a very firm, standard BM, which after alot of rinsing and breaking down revealed a 20cm section, including the head of a tapeworm. Complete with blood red vein down its middle.
Found another one today.
The list goes on, but I will not.
Only three of the worms I have seen - which have included reds, fettucine-like ones, really thin thready ones and of course the
Tapeworms (yes - there were more - heads and all) - were visible without "processing" my BM's.
You get the picture.
If you really seek, you will probably find.
But do you want to?