Re: Is Cascara Sagrada a Stimulant Laxative?
Iodine will not work for all causes of hypothyroidism. Causes include poor hypothalamus or pituitary function,
Iodine deficiencies, hormones imbalances, adrenal dysfunction, exposure to chlorine, fluoride or bromine, chronic stress, poor T4 to T3 conversion, high rT3 levels, Hashimoto's thyroidosis (autoimmune). So how to address it will depend a lot on the cause.
By the way magnesium hydroxide is a bad form of magnesium. It works by chemically burning the intestinal wall, which greatly raises the risk of intestinal cancer. It also wipes out the stomach acid, which can cause a lot of problems such as inability to absorb nutrients properly, inability to digest proteins properly, increased risk of infections, acid reflux, etc.
I still recommend triphala for a laxative, along with fiber and keeping hydrated with water. Triphala also cleanses the liver and supports adrenal function.