Re: Salt/Water program for High Blood Pressure
Hi and thanks for all the info - including you Tom.
I have been using moniors for years now - you cannot have high blood pressure not have a monitor. I use the cuff with the stethascope - that is the most accurate one. The digital ones are obviously more convenient but not accurate. I had one and it gave readings all over the place.
Anyway, how do I check to see if it is foods that are the cause? I too became a bit obese - stopped smoking years ago and I think my sedentery lifestyle has contributed also. I am always sick and run down from one thing or another and yet, you never saw anyone more conscious of making such healthy choices in my life. I will not stop taking vitamins and minerals - without them I cannot even have one ounce of energy. But I will soon start going on different cleansings - I must clean my poor body out and start fresh - give it a rest - but I must be strong before I do this. I could start on something light.
I will get off these drugs if it's the last thing I do. They do nothing for me - they lower the BP a bit so that it is tolerable but you would think that they would take it down where it should be , i.e. 120/80.