17 y
We cannot have open borders. That’s a totally absurd proposition.-nader
"This is absurd. Neither of these men are the least bit conservative. And irony upon irony, it's worth pointing out that when it comes to having actual conservative positions, Ralph Nader shames the whole lot.
On illegal immigration, Nader's sharp right turn leaves posers like Romney and McCain eating his dust.
While Sen. McCain was promoting amnesty and Gov. Romney was agreeing with him,
Nader said of amnesty, "This is very difficult because you are giving a green light to cross the border illegally. I don't like the idea of legalization because then the question is how do you prevent the next wave and the next?"
Nader wants to strip corporations who hire illegal aliens of their business licenses and even sharply curtail HB1 work visas from the third world. McCain's Republican friend Lindsey Graham calls folks like Nader a "bigot."