Have a good weekend
Nope, not going to let you provoke me into doing that - though I must admit that you do a wonderful job of pulling my strings and pushing my buttons at times, and it is mostly my own damned fault for letting it happen. Just consider it a reminder that you and I both know your true colors, which really are not all bad - but they do demonstrate that we both know how false your attacks on me and other members are.
Sadly for you, my erstwhile friend, I think you actually do take it all very seriously. 2sirius-ly one might say. I rather suspect that the weekend will still find you here dispensing the usual words of wisdom and brotherhood. Maybe you could take a break and look up all my posts here in this forum and find me one single example of me selling or promoting anything I sell?
As for myself, I do have a life outside CZ - which is why this weekend will find me on the pool banking catching another mess of catfish to fry, riding 4 wheelers, plinking away at the pond turtles (yep, I am cruel to animals too - at least ones that get in my pond and compete for food with my fish), drink more than a few cold ones, sit beside the campfire and howl at the moon with the coyotes, enjoy the changing fall colors, and get quite the kick out of solving the world's problems with the local rednecks.
I will take time off from frolicing in the fields and woods to go see my friend Paula Nelson (you know, Willie's daughter) play in the nearyby city of Greenville, Texas at the Lee Street Bar and Grill. I think that she could do a really good job with one of the songs I wrote.
Greenville is where I grew up, btw. You would probably love it, seeing as how they had a sign hanging across the main entrance into town for many years which read "Welcome to Greenville - the blackest land, the whitest people". They have a lot of hog hunters in these parts too. My thoughts will run more to deer season. More of them in Texas than any other state by far - and the season runs from the first of November til the first weekend in January. Want some venison?
Have a good one. It might just do you a world of good to get out in the woods and fields too.