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You do seem to take pride in breaking rules and personal attacks
Dquixote1217 Views: 2,366
Published: 17 y
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You do seem to take pride in breaking rules and personal attacks

Although the some may look beyond the surface and see what you do as a reflection of your own misery and self-loathing.

So you are proud of being a rules violater are you?  I guess that anyone who calls Dushan names like Doosh Anne obviously has no respect for this site, it's rules or it's members and moderators. But that is plain for one and all to see in just your posts here in this forum under your latest ID.

The old days you say?  Don't make me laugh with such a flimsy attempt to justify your defenseless history of attacks and slurs, Groggo.  I wasn't around during the "old days" - no telling how many times you got canned and returned then (and given your behavior here, one might wish for a return for the old days).  But Celcius, Celcius2 and 2Sirious were all recent multiple banned IDs.

YOU never made a racist remark?  You're killing me!  So tell me, do you consider the Jews a race?  Or are you going to try to escape that one on a technicality? Would you like to see some of your past references to them?  How does disparaging entire groups of people based on their beliefs and opinions differ from disparaging those based on their color?  Would you like to see some of the terms you have used here to disparage those you perceive as liberals? Or your gay bashing?

Disparaging others with put-downs, slurs and labels has always been your history, Groggo.  At least you used to make some actual contributions to the real purpose of this site in your previous IDs.  Now you have just sunk to a sad self-justifying parody.

One can only hope you will soon kill off your current thoroughly soiled ID and return, as you always do, with an ID that is less hateful and actually contributes a thing or two again.

Until you do, further engagement with you is akin to keeping a rabid dog alive on life support.




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