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Revisionist history fails when the proof shows the opposite
Dquixote1217 Views: 2,393
Published: 17 y
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Revisionist history fails when the proof shows the opposite

Would you like to see a copy of YOUR email to me complaining about being banned from the Political Forum?  Or copies of your emails lamenting the fact that Corinthian should be banned?  How about the ones where you called Dushan "Doosh Anne"?  Or the kind words you had for Rudenski and other moderators?  The one about the "Jew World Order"?

I really don't think you want to go there, Groggo.  My advice is that the next time you decide to stab someone in the back for taking a position you disagree with you first consider just how much of your true self you have revealed to them under the guise of friendship.

You keep trying to beat the false drum of bigotry and racist trap and other such claptrap.  Let's look at what really happened.

First of all, 58008 made a post that included such statements as:

Black fathers are known for spewing their sperm all over the place


Blacks are bred to be victims and to use that as an excuse to jack off and fail. That's their karma! Deal with it and stop the whining. They want a socialist so they can complain and get their welfare check at the same time.

And then another poster replied

I'm sure he's speaking for a lot of white people in here.

To which I responded with a message that began

"In my opinion he is speaking mainly for ignorant assed white trash . . ."

The fact is that what 58008 said and how he said it was offensive and racist and it is indeed representative of what ignorant white trash say about blacks.  What I had to say was not bigotry or race baiting, it was just an indignant statement of fact.  Something which even you would likely admit if you had a shred of decency left instead of your present blighted ID - but you are never one to let truth or correctness get in the way of an opportunity to make a personal attack on someone who disagrees with you.

By mischaracterizing my response as a some kind of revelation of bigotry, it is YOU who demonstrates yourself to be the bigot and race baiter.




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