Mouseclick..Re: Does fasting stress the liver?
Hi Mouseclick,
have been away for a couple of days so haven't really kept up with the shenanigans of the forum, but in answer to your question......does fasting stress the liver?
The liver as with all of the other organs of elimination do work overtime during an extended fast, but will ultimately benefit from the rest they obtain when the work of elimination is mostly complete.
We should bear in mind that these organs tend to degenerate with the abuse afforded them by the SAD (Standard American Diet) familiar to us all in the Western World, and where this abuse tends to result in chronic diseases such as liver cancer, kidney diseases, skin complaints such as acne, Pancreatic Cancer ad infinitum.
The mention of stones at the top of the curezone board is not factual, but more the way of a disclaimer in case stones erupt or become a problem during a water fast.
It is the opinion of Natural Hygienists (who have by far the most experience with the fasting process) that this most definitely is not the case, and where I would include myself as a living testimony to having no stones of any kind, despite my two extended fasts in the recovery of Leukemia. I had an MRI scan of my liver and gallbladder about 18 months ago at the London Bridge Hospital (privately) and where this discovered no stones of any kind.
Stone formation (whether in the kidneys or gallbladder or elsewhere) are formed by abnormal secretions and excretions as a result of a faulty diet and lifestyle, and where these can be (and usually are) corrected by the fast and normal physiological living habits thereafter, which tend to normalize these secretions/excretions and dissolve the stones from the body. This was the experience of ALL of the early hygienists in the eradication of stones and their formation.
Juice fasting or feasting will NOT produce stones, but where the juice should be of a mixture of fruit AND vegetables taken separately of course, to maximize digestion and prevent fermentation/putrefaction.
Improper food combining leads to all kinds of health problems, not least stone-formation.
Hope this has been helpful.