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Re: hmmmm, question about liver flukes again!
Telman Views: 1,730
Published: 17 y
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Re: hmmmm, question about liver flukes again!

parasites is a difficult subject because the thought of having them preys on the mind. You think that you may have because they are integral to the cleansing process. You do a parasite cleanse and because nothing particularly happens you wonder if you had them or if the parasite cleansing work. You can get yourself into quite a state about them. Most parasites are microscopic and they enter our system all the time and the body is equipped to deal with them. However, if you live in certain parts of the world or visit there then there is a chance that you can pick up a larger parasite like a liver fluke or another type of worm.

It has become established that seeing "tomato skins" during the flush is a sign of flukes. I had them and so have many others. When the questions is asked about their origin, those in the know tell us that they are the skins of flukes and the reason they are pink is because they feed on vitamin B12.

My tomato skins disappeared after I completed a parasite site cleanse and flushed. I have flushed since then and directly after eating tomatoes but the skins appear brown rather pink. I do know that if you follow the protocols for parasite cleaning including the follow up 12 months later then you must assume you are clean as you are going to be, given ones lifestyle. There is no guarantee and the key is to eat, drink and live in a way that allows the body keep itself clean as possible. This means avoiding using solvents which are found in makeup, cleaning products and other things. Solvents allow the parasites to complete their life cycle by encouraging the eggs to hatch rather than being passed out with the faeces.

Have faith, follow the cleanses and think positively.


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