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21st flush, HUGE stone out, now hemorroids..OUCH!!!
JT Views: 7,524
Published: 23 y
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21st flush, HUGE stone out, now hemorroids..OUCH!!!

This was my 21st cleanse, and I have passed probably 2500 stones of various sizes in that last year and one half, but this time, I passed a HUGE stone, or group of stones stuck together, it was somewhat hard to tell. It hurt a lot to pass it, and now I am pretty freaked out and need some advice on what to do next. I passed probably about another 40-50 smaller stones during this flush too, as well as lots of chaff and bile. The next part gets a little graphic, so sqeamish folk may want to stop reading now.....

The "mega stone" was about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, it was huge, medium green on the outside, and dark green on the inside. It was extrememly waxy. Because of the sheer size and waxiness, which made it vey dry, it hurt like *heck* to pass this stone out, and now I have a horrible bout of bleeding hemmorroids as a result. At one point, it was so stuck, it just would not come out, it just stopped, halfway out of my butt. After about 20 minutes of trying, I thought I was going to pass out from the strain and the pain. Just when I thought all was lost, I felt a huge wave of heat & cold sweat pass over me, and then, a huge 'explosion' like sound in my gut (it sounded like a war zone)....and then this thing literally shot out of me with about a cup of very dark bile and about 10 smaller stones.

I had used the usual Clark regime, but with the Lewis oil amounts (using 1 pint olive oil taken 1/4 cup at a time over 2 hours). Before this flush, I never exceeded 1 1/2 cups of olive oil at one time before, and I am wondering if this might have been a factor?

I want to keep up the cleanses, but I am now a bit timid to do another after the stuck stone & hemorroid event. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here are my questions:

1.) Is it even possible to make a stone of this size, in the liver or gallbladder? It is my understanding that the ducts are pretty small in diameter, how could I have passed something this big out of the ducts?

2.) Is there anything I can do to make sure that any future stones do not get stuck again,so the hemorroides won't get inflamed?



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