Re: milk?
No natural food is only "good" or only "bad" for everyone.
Processed foods are usually bad for quite many people, and heated and homogenized milk is not as good as raw milk.
Good natural milk is a good food for many people, but there are still people who can't tolerate it, and for them it is bad. If it is bad for them, it is also bad for their gallbladders.
What is GOOD food and what is BAD food is something that can not be superimposed on all people.
All we can do is find out what is good for us, and thta is all that matters.
You should undertake good homeopathic treatment, and you should go on juicefasting. The symptoms you presented have a lot to do with the condition of your bowel, so make sure you take enema with probiotics several times a week, and take
Bentonite and psilium every day.
Also, make sure you do full
parasites cleanse.