17 y
Re: What is a liberal?
We were discussing ideology and philosophy. When you take a bird's eye view of what I wrote before, of course it's not a reality. If anything, America's creed is "Not in my backyard".
You can't fight human nature. There are portions of man that have innate sensibilities.
War is innate
Religion is innate
Self preservation is innate
But it is possible with the right leadership to move society in a certain direction. However, no society will be able to fight what is innate.
You can pick through this and that definition and certainly there are flaws. But the ideals set forth from the beginning were brilliant. Here we are 200 years later with a VP that is trying to rip apart the very fabric of those ideals.
Remember back to 9-11. For a brief moment, every US citizen cared deeply about our country and each other. That feeling was so fleeting. And look at what happened with Katrina. Again the country was galvanized. But where was Bush? He was having a birthday party with McCain.
Too bad it takes something like the aforementioned events to shake us out of our selfish, self centered core.