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Re: for #59245
Wow ! With the exception of 58008 and maybe DQ who appears fairly uninformed of what a conservative is for someone who claims to be a libertarian, there was not one definition that even came close to what the definition of what conservative might be ! Very revealing to me! So how is it possible to have a decent debate with such distorted definitions!Any way casting aside all past definitions and bring into todays realm a conservative is a very rare bird! The term Neoconservative is a complete misnomer and offensive to any real conservative ! The neoconservatives like Bush are actually liberals with a weapon an offshoot of the american marxist left who labled them neoconservatives as a form of mockery! However it became very convenient to use as a politcal coup to remove any real conservatives like Goldwater and his supporters!
Neoconservatives believe in big government military might large taxes are far more liberal or socialist then any conservative could be and have the same world domination agenda as the marxist left!
Real american conservatives have none of these agendas or obsessions as the neocon or neomarxists left!
They take their label seriously and by definition are anti war or aggression, believe strongly in a small federal government with emphasis on states rights, believe completely in free trade and open markets to a point of national interests and believe in keeping the shackles of taxation to a minimum as in the original intention of a national defense and supporting american infrastructure roads and highways to promote interstate trade! They believe in high moral values and ethics and most of all accountability for ones actions, they do not promote the victim syndrome and do not believe in taking from one group of people to give to another group who are not necessarily worthy! Actually because of the bad rep the neocons have given conservatives they would probably be best described as conservative libertarians!
The word liberal has been stolen also, a word that originally was used to describe those who supported private property and free market values and was conveniently stolen by the socialist who bastardized its meaning! The liberal today, any Obamist are socialists by any other name and if he is elected and they continue to support his agenda you will no longer be a liberal or a socialist but a Communist a word I really hope doesn't need explanation by any in this day and age although I wouldn't be surprised how distorted the definition may be by the people who distorted the words liberal and conservative in this thread!