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A fresh start
fledgling Views: 4,675
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A fresh start

A new idea this morning, Sparque...

I am on CureZone because some apparent health symptoms need turning around. So, I've been cleansing, etc., and have had some fine successes.

But, some 'symptoms' remain, and some seem to almost 'come back'.

One big 'symptom' for me, is awakening at intervals in the night to visit the bathroom. Interrupted sleep, on a regular basis for years, is debilitating, to say the least.

I think I'm on top of the 'cause' (sugar, etc.), and I felt wonderful when that nice calm came over me and I was finally in control of my functions.

But, I still get up at least once per night. Last night three times; the third time at just before 6 a.m., when I stayed up, to computer.

However, this morning I realized it may be a habit...or partly a habit. It may be partly that darn digital clock! It may be the habit of counting the hours I have slept, and figuring when I will be up again...and how 'urgent' will be the trip.

When I was a kid I remember going to a corner grocery store with a neighborhood girl my age and two of her younger siblings.

I was just looking at stuff on the shelves when the storekeeper's voice jarred me to turn around to see the smallest kid in trouble.

Apparently a chocolate bar had fallen out from under his T-shirt.

Then followed the question, "Where did you get that?" and the older sister's protest that she had bought that for him at the drugstore across the street, and so on.

We were told to leave the store and never to darken their doorway again.

My mind immediately took the side of the older 'punishment' must befall us, therefore *I* had told a lie, and I was guilty.

And for years afterward I couldn't come in the neighborhood of that store without a feeling of deep dark dread in the pit of my stomach.

I remember driving by in a car, with people who knew nothing about the incident, and feeling that dread, even blocks beforehand. I'd have given a lot to take another route, but I couldn't explain why, of course.

I've had that kind of experience since, as an adult, but it was different in that I 'corrected' myself, so I WOULDN'T feel dread.

I told myself some, about my dress at 'functions', "If they don't like me, they can ask me to go home."

That, also because I would usually cringe after a 'function' in case I had spoken foolishly with others. It didn't matter what I had said, and I usually couldn't remember, to myself I felt like a silly fool, pretending to be adult.

Isn't 'growing up' a pain?! For me it seemed endless. I used to wonder when a person became an adult. Then I found it was at age 46. I threw out white flour and White Sugar , and made a few other changes, and EVERYTHING else in my life did a complete about face.

That was traumatizing, I must say, but I kept going and eventually found my way.

So, this morning, I'm wondering, if I made a slight change, like move the clock out of the bedroom...could I alter this ding dang habit of waking up at night?

And, are there some small things your angels could do that would trigger changes in their outlooks?

I can imagine that they would avoid the scenes of their 'accidents', for one thing...and their 'perps'!

And there must be some 'self-talk' going on in their heads.

The biggest step, of course, has already been made...they aren't burying the whole thing...they are telling you, at least some of it.

That burying of an experience is a biggie!

At the same time one doesn't want to broadcast it unnecessarily. ...Paints too narrow a picture of themselves in the eyes of others.

Me...I can move the clock, and tell myself that my sleep time is long enough to completely refresh me...something like that.

Would it be useful for you to say to a girl that you have a quirk? ...That, once she walks out the door of your office, you forget everything she wants you to forget, and you remember everything she wants you to remember.

Shoot! You are obligated to report, aren't you?

Well, maybe you could take possession of things that might continue to bother her...just in she can forget them.

I don't know how. Maybe she can write the things she wants to forget on chits of paper, and you can tear the paper to bits, unread, in front of her. (I'd say burn them, but that smells up the office so.)

(If you don't read the chits then you don't really know much to report, do you? Or, the client could write in code of some kind. Code is so interesting to young people...and so safe.)

You could also turn around three times in your chair...for effect.


To tell you the truth, I'd come back to see you often, every time I thought of something I want to forget! And two or three times, if it persisted!

I'm just daydreaming here. I can afford to, since I don't have clients to see, responsibilities to fulfill.

You can throw a shoe at me, if you like.

I'm just going to eat the breakfast dh just brought eggs and green veggies and rubbed basil...and then I'm going to move that darn clock.





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