Another year, a fresh start
Hi, Sparque,
I don't know how I'm going to say might come out gibberish.
I see your students as free spirits caught in a box of their environment/experiences which they see as the whole world.
I suppose that might describe all of us, when we were young...that we haven't yet seen enough of other places and people and possibilities to realize that we could make a different life, today, or tomorrow...without even an echo of the past following us.
I have a friend who has an established life which is as different to mine as chalk is to cheese.
AND, she loves the 'Silk Road'...the ancient trade routes between China and the Middle East. So, for one hour each day, with her breakfast coffee, she goes to a certain spot in her apartment to read and study the ancients and their ways and their reasons for crossing the Gobi desert and endless miles, laden with treasure.
All of her busy and well-ordered life is put aside for one hour every day.
It's as though she is living an extra life, aside from her many accomplishments and projects in this one.
Fantasy? You betcha! But so satisfying! So up-lifting! How can I say it? Maybe I can't, except to say that life on the 'Silk Road' rounds and deepens her life in this world and probably lifts her more lightly over any 'obstacles' she may encounter.
What else do your clients study that is completely different than anything else they know?
How close are you to a librarian?
Could there be a list of widely varied subjects/books for students to choose from as an exercise, a distraction, a therapy completely unrelated to any part of their life today?
"Pick a book and, later, tell me what you liked about it." ...Not a 'test' in any way.
The very fact that you mention the library plants a seed.
If it is possible to work it in, you could ask the student to accompany you to the library, since you 'must pick out something to lift a friend'...maybe a book of nice pictures.
A couple of books jump into my mind...Colin Fletcher's "The Complete Walker" and Bradford Angier's "Feasting on Wild Edibles." The possibilities are endless, of course.
And then there is where a person can look up an ocean of photographs of every conceivable subject.
I don't know if Corbis keeps 'downer' pictures, but you could ask a student for, say, three fine pictures of roses, or dandelions, or sailing ships. There is no wrong answer, you see. :D
There is so much more inside of each of us than we can dream. The only way to hurt our inner persons is to never let them out...never awaken them.
How did I do? Did I ring any bells in that spritely mind of yours?
P.S. Anybody around there got Google Earth? I think it's free. How is Lake Chad doing? And the Amazon Basin? And Paris? Bet you could even see tropical beaches and maybe those giant heads on Easter Island.
I like the way this post turned out. It says, I think, what I hoped it would say. So I'm linking it to another forum.