Do you even want help for your addiction? You seem to be in denial about some things---like thinking you are good about managing money. If you are, then why oh why are you wasting it on drugs? To me, you don't seem sincere about wanting to change your ways. If you were, you would have moved out of there a long time ago and gotten into rehab. Also, if you are sincere about cleaning up your act, you would realize that you can't hang around any drug users. You can find other friends/girlfriends that share the same interests as you do but aren't doing drugs. Try thinking ahead---this addiction could well leave you dead or in jail. I think you must know that on some level. Do you really want to throw away your future? "H" is incapable of helping you when she herself needs lots of help. The same thing applies in reverse---you can't help her when you yourself need lots of help.