Why don't you lay all your cards on the table? You obviously have some sort of vendetta against Hulda Clark . So dish. What happened, and why are you so heck-bent on "debunking" her? What has your experience been?
I'd really like to know. Then I could be more objective about my understanding of your ravings. Maybe you have something really valuable to offer, but I can't take you seriously because all you do is attack this woman, without saying why other than to mention how you don't want someone to be misled. So did you feel misled? Did you have a bad experience with a flush or with her personally or something? I'm wracking my brain trying to understand why you would bother taking time to look for this forum on the internet, find it, and then proceed to launch salvo after salvo of hatred at its foundations.
So, please, tell us why you are so angry and upset about Hulda Clark .