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Sour Grapes-Grades...
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Sour Grapes-Grades...

This will not receive a passing grade. There was nothing to indicate that there was any understanding of the key themes. I can provide cliff notes if you need them. Just continue to read my posts and eventually something might sink in. If it does not become clear then you may need to attend summer school.

Your perception is quite concise and cogent. You will receive extra merit for this astute observation!

Somehow victimhood of the sisterhood has embedded your essay, and bled through. The blathering delivery of your post hysterically sidestepping and missing the point. Fearful, projecting, intimidated, it sums up the leftist's angst, those who are ever ready to raise the white hanky. Remember, 'Retreat is Defeat'. Please rewrite this post.

Shame on you. Plagiarizing another's thoughts. Unoriginal. Grade-incomplete.

Excellent. To the point. Precise. Eloquent. Original thinking. Grade A+ Congratulations.



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