Re: Good for you, Dakkxi!
Hi Fledgling,
Re; the sugar/carbo avoidance thing, yes, it seems a leap, but it also seems to be helping...
Got so annoyed and exhausted by symptoms, especially the (sorry for grossness; loose yellow bm, anal itch, abdominal bloating, gas, constant nausea, headache and fatigue which I've suffered for over two years since my trip to South Africa), that I was willing to try. Seemed reasonable-why not? So far the three drugs I'd been prescribed for blastocystosis didn't work and I was worried about taking more, their side effects were so severe.
I've read so much recently-I did encounter literature about avoiding sugar/carbs to curb the growth of blastocysts. I have a big file folder full of research and info, I'll have to look.
Thanks for your kind words. The "back to... sweet sylph" is cute!