I can only say that for me, juicing and NOT having diarrhea made me feel a lot better even though I had also lost a very lot of weight. I was advised that people almost dead can nourish themselves on slippery elm gruel which you can google. You might just get some powder at local health store and have a bit of that with maple syrup too. Barefoot's sorghum molasses is great. You can get blackstrap molasses at the store. It is FULL of minerals. Get some warm water and add some lemon if you want synergistic effect. It doesn't taste so bad and my hubby loves it (they say it will reverse grey hair). I felt to weak in the beginning to do all out juice fasting. You might see how you can do one day only and see if you want to try for three days or if you have to wait, I only do fruits and juices and green smoothies in the a.m. up to noon. (you can hide your green powders for nutrition with banana or other fruit plus juice or water! Frozen cherries I love.) I would go real light on the guts after that. Have you tried brown rice or baked potato. These are stop-gap measures but I had diarrhea so that's what helped me. I think Barefoot said 3 days on fruit juice fast for clearing out. THere are also people doing 'juicefeasting.com' which includes veggies and whatever they can juice and drinking a lot all day so they don't get as wiped out. BUt I would definitely want to filter out all the fiber if doing that or it would kill my guts. I'm just saying there are ways to go liquid and mucus-free. After 8 months I'm finally getting around to trying to juice only a few days and I will read the mucusless diet books for tips and get the christopher bowel books which I haven't read yet.