Re: Vagus Nerve Stimulation
>> A CZ friend just emailed about her husband's poison ivy, being shingles instead.
>> The diabetes/vagus nerve info was interesting- cayenne should help with that too?
The Cayenne only pushes them off the nerves, you still need Lysine to kill them but all seems a never ending cycle without chelation.
>> I was reading what Hulda says about it in her book. I remembered it being of the >> herpes family of viruses. Cayenne and 8 Lysine tablets (500 mg each), zap or
>> frequency generator.
>> "Nevertheless, you would not get sick from these viral releases unless your
>> immunity was lowered"
Yes and don't forget my rant on T.solium cysts, they can harbor droves of HSV and need to be removed. Both copper and OLE work to keep them under control, selenium is a must but if you have a flare up use Lysine and Cayenne then a Rife session to get the rest.
>> "Herpes lives in your nerve centers (ganglia) and it is from here that you can >> be attacked after the initial infection. Evidently your immune system can
>> destroy them as quckly as they emerge. Buat a meal of aflatoxin or other moldy >> food suddenly "gags" your white blood cells and lets a viral attack happen.
Copper/Zinc balance since HSV eats zinc you end up dumping your copper (which restrains them), worse without sufficient taurine that copper gets stuck in your liver.
BTW: Borellia Afzelli destroys copper metabolism