This is how my whole mirena ordeal started i was just sitting watching tv my heart just started racing felt like it was going 200bpm then i started blacking out it was very scary my mum called the ambulance they said it was just a anxiety attack yeah right !! this has never happened before then from that day on it just got worse and worse with many other side effects until i realised it was the mirena causing all of this thanks to this site which my mother found for me cause the doctor kept telling me it wasnt the mirena causing all of this and i believed her , it has now been 9 months post removal for me and doing a lot better still not right just before my period and during i still have a bit of joint and muscle pain and numbness and tingling in my feet and hands around that time my period that is and a bit of anxiety , the racing heart went not long after removal thank god cause that was scary everytime it would happen i thought i was going to have a heart attack!!