Has anyone developed tachycardia after being on the Merina IUD?
I have had the Merina IUD in since October 2005, after the birth of my second child. Almost immediately I did't feel quite myself. The first thing I noticed was increased irritability - like having PMS all the time. My face also started to break out worse than it did when I was 16! I spoke to the OB at my next checkup and she said the hormones from the IUD were so miniscule that it couldn't possibly be causing the moodiness. She suggested an antidepressant, which I turned down because I fear them and I was nursing. Over the next few months I noticed I was starting to have heart palpitations and even hot flashes as well as the
Acne and some weight gain. My mom (who was going through menopause) said my symptoms sounded like hers. Being only 32 at that time I dismissed it. The symptoms seemed to come and go. At the worst times I would go in and have my thyroid levels checked (mostly because of the racing heart, feeling like I was going to climb the walls. I had a hyperthyroid at 19 so this seemed logical). Every time I was told my thyroid levels were perfect and I would go on about my life. 2008 has been a bad year all the way around and my stress level has been horrible. In June I attempted to give blood and was refused because my resting heart rate was 118! Well I remembered my husband telling me several times that my heart was racing when he would have his head on my chest. This started to worry me and I soon went in to the doctor again. My resting pulse there was 135! Now, I was terrified that she was going to tell me I was having a heart attack, so that surely had some affect on the rate, but still! She did an EKG which showed sinus tachycardia. She tested my thyroid, as I had other symptoms like irratible bowel, anxiousness, insomnia. It came back fine. She told me to cut out all caffeine (I hardly had any in my diet to begin with) and to stop all herbal suppliments. She also put me on a low dose of a beta blocker. Three days later I was in the ER and had another EKG showing the same result. They tested my electrolytes, which were all normal. The doctor then ordered a 24 hour urine test to check for an adrenal tumor and doubled the dose of my beta blocker and put me on an antidepressant to boot because by then I was freaking out! I had a week wait to find out that I had no tumor - thank God! Now she is simply treating as anxiety, which feels like a band-aid. Now it seems as though the beta blocker is not working well - pulse between 90 and 100 for the last week straight! I am thinking that I am likely due for a period, but since I don't get a period on this damn thing, I can't know for sure.
I started researching this week trying to find answers and it looks like the Merina Monster may be at least a good part of my problem. I told my husband that it is time for "snip'snip" and I have an appointment to get it out on Monday.
Has anyone else developed not just palpitaions that come and go, but a more persistent tachycardia? Would my hormones be so far off after nearly three years with this bane of my existence?
Several doctors have said "no way is it the Merina". I have never in my life had anxiety issues before, and the only time I had a racing heart was with the thyroid issue and that is gone.
Interestingly enough the nurse at the doctor's office had her Merina in about as long as me and she said intuition told her that her problems traced back to it. She had it removed and she said that three days later she was herself again.
Any advice for surviving the crash?
You can e-mail me privately if you want or keep it public.