Re: Cramps and calcium
Chiron ot
in my opinion, and although Armour is a better alternative as a natural medication for the thyroid, as it contains both T3 & T4, it is still supplementing the work your thyroid has to perform. This will ultimately make your thyroid redundant & lazy, because it is not having to "work" as it should be if the work it should be undertaking is being done for it.
I do understand however the need for Armour, and how vital it can be for people with Hypothyroidism.
The main objective here must be to make your endocrine system, including your thyroid gland, into a fully-functioning and healthy state: the question is, how do we do this?
As I see it there are two alternatives................
#1. The optimal nutritional approach.
Water Fasting according to thirst, for a sufficiently long enough period of time, to heal not only your endocrine system, but your body secretions and excretions generally.
The question now remains, which comes first? the chicken or the egg?(metaphorically speaking).
After much thought and quite a bit of research on this I am convinced that the optimal nutritional approach would be the best first-choice option.
One mustn't forget that fasting is only a state of nutrition or inanition, where over the years I have also become much more nutritionally oriented in the treatment of disease, and where I think that fasting can take a back seat sometimes (but a very important back seat of course).
I would personally try the saturated nutritional approach with whole-foods such as chlorella & spirulina with a very strict & varied RAW organic high water content fruit and vegetable diet, to the exclusion of all else for at least two months, and try tapering off the Armour medication over this time-period to see how your symptoms & health are progressing. After this time period I would
Water Fast by taking one day at a time, and see the reactions of your body.
This I think may be your best option in eradicating your cramps and to heal your thyroid-health & endocrine problems generally. I also believe that if your thyroid is not functioning as it should be then this is a reflection of the total health state of your endocrine system generally.
This information is vitally important and is is an excerpted from Andrew Sauls website re' Pottengers Cats, on which I have posted previously some months ago:
"I am particularly intrigued with Pottenger's observations that cats fed on
cooked meat and milk develop "all kinds" of allergies, and hypothyroidism.
When fed raw foods, the cats' symptoms go away. (p 33) I personally have
seen a case where a 67-year-old woman, who was on a prescribed low
dose of Synthroid, no longer needed it after just a few weeks of raw
vegetable juicing. She is 87 now and her doctors have confirmed that she still
does not require any thyroid supplement."!!!
So there you have it bling: what I believe to be the answer to your health problems if you abide by them as a strict dietary, nutritional, and fasting basis.