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Re: What do med schools teach doctors about parasites?

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

fledgling Views: 4,280
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,243,356

Re: What do med schools teach doctors about parasites?

Hi, Dakkxi,

Are you in Australia or New Zealand? Or somewhere it is morning?

Here, in western Canada, I'm up at 4:30 a.m., and happened to find your posts by the 'most recent posts' method where I noticed activity here from the CureZone homepage.

If you are new to posting on CureZone, you might not have seen that this thread is two years old...and probably won't be visited by many.

I'll be back to this post in one minute...

Yes, I see from your posting history (below, in the light grey print on YOUR posts) that this is your first time posting to these boards.

I'll keep 'editing' this post, in case you are looking in as I write.

Are you familiar with the 'copy' and 'paste' features of your computer?

If you are, could you repost your main message to the most recent page of this forum, or to the Parasite Support forum...or even to the Ask CureZone forum? Or you could post again in one of those places.

You could also use the email capacity to contact, say, Grzbear...or the 'new' button near the top right-hand corner of this page to send a Personal Message to him, or any other poster on these boards.

The difficulty with the PM message is that not everyone here looks into their Inbox very often.

So, I'd be sure to place a post at the top of the most recent page of at least one of these forums...if I were you.

Your questions are all of us.

Too, if you go to you'll see that the company suffered a complete loss to fire on July 31st.

R.G., the owner, is an extremely dedicated and competent person, and is working night and day to restore product service by, hopefully, August 29th.

Perhaps he'll be able to answer some questions then.

Another way to reach the company may be to email the company's Customer Service department. When they are able to, I'm sure that the most important cases will be addressed first. Yours is an important case.

I saw some of R.G.'s posts ('Humaworm', above), in this thread. Perhaps they would be useful to you.

I am just here as a customer-who-cares, trying to help during this very trying time.

The one thing I know for sure is that you have come to the right place. If any can help you, Humaworm can.

May I comment on your post?

Immediately I was struck by the doctor's comment that you are 'creating symptoms' out of your imagination.

Surely he doesn't realize what he said!

In the very practical and 'scientific' world of medicine it is IMPOSSIBLE to 'create symptoms', isn't it?

If that were true, wouldn't it then be possible to 'create a cure', all by oneself?

Oh well, maybe he meant 'creating IMAGINARY symptoms'.

Perhaps you can return to a doctor who knew you well BEFORE your trip...or get your records from him or her, to prove your former healthy state.

It seems a shame that you should have to do something like that, just to get serious attention and appropriate care.

I wish you great good fortune, Dakkxi.

You HAVE come to a friendly and useful website!




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