Hi Grz...it's a strange thing about the docs, I've seen the god complex too. Another doc I went to, said I was stupid (that is a quote) for taking flaxseed to help with colon cleansing. I'm sure there are some out there that aren't this way, but I've not had much luck. I stopped going when I became sick and they wouldn't take me seriously. I knew if I was to get better, I'd better figure something else out.
ah well, it's turned out for the best, so all is good...
I've been using the terramin, by the way....it's only been a week so far...but I like it...first day it gave me a bit of a stomach ache which was surprising since I've used pascalite and bentonite before...I took it as a good sign, and just cut back my dose a bit....we'll see how it goes...