I agree Natalie. Candida is just a symptom and particularly so when you have got to the point whereby you are housebound and bedbound. Its a symptom of a broken down, overburdened weakened immune system and it would be inappropriate just simply focus on candida or any bacteria, parasite or virus. Full blown CFS/ME is complex and a toxic overburdened sluggish liver plays a major part. The extreme fatigue and exhaustion experienced after exercise apparantly is a result of the livers detox pathways being over-loaded - and I agree. Before I started my liver supplements I couldnt even get out of bed and going on a short walk left me a shaking, quivering exhausted wreck (no exaggeration). Yesterday I walked for half an hour and today I am ok! My liver supplements, good diet vits and mins are helping. In the past I have tried taking antifungals/antimicrobials done a Liver Flush had a colonic and each and everytime I have been left in a more weak and toxic state. With full blown Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome its about taking things slowly. Just be relieved that you havent reached this point (CFS/ME) and you can manage to walk and get around but my guess is that many of your problems are also just symptoms. ?