yes ladywear docs sent away my varginal discharge came back not varginos or candida/thrush they wasnt sure what it was i have h pylori causes gastris stoamch ulcers i suspected stoamch ulcers to be honest as i cant take ibrofen inflames my tum parastites cant take probitics netheir natropths/nutrionists ahave only diagonesed me with candida by looking at my tongue last women used computer testing but it took four hours and she even wrote wrong name down on my notes says alot when i asked last nutrionist i went to for my results on senstivity to mercury and candida leaky gut/ibs she said u cant have them i dont give them out to patients i keep them wonder why that is?anyway he picked up i was menstrating which i am he picked up i suffer from coldsores herpes simplex which i do picked up my digestion is very irriated inflamed which is correct ive tried the diet and to be honest things have got much worse with my digestion ive only ever had die off with parastite cleanser never with anti fungals or diet i have 2 bad parastites wrecking with my digestion